We are pleased to invite you to an insightful webinar on "CSR Strategies for CSOs" scheduled for June 7, 2024, at 11:30 AM. Kindly register click here

Sustainable agriculture refers to farming practices that maximize the use of non-renewable resources, help the environment, and expand natural resources. It involves an integrated system of plant and animal production techniques that are applied specifically to a given location and that, over time, will.

    • Fulfil human demands for food and fiber. Improve the state of the environment and the foundation of natural resources that support the agricultural sector
    • Utilize non-renewable resources and farm resources as efficiently as possible. When applicable, include natural biological cycles and controls.
    • Maintain the farm operations' financial sustainability.
    • Improve the standard of living for farmers and the community at large.

Framework and Approaches by FAO

    • Climate Smart Agriculture
    • Community Based Events (CBE): Community Based Events are held on the 8th & 22nd of every month in all Anganwadis across the country. The themes for these events include local festivals and rituals such as Annaprasan Diwas, Suposhan Diwas, celebrating coming of age–getting ready for preschool at Anganwadi centres, messages related to public health to improve nutrition indicators and reduce illness, among other activities.

Eat Right India

An initiative started by FSSAI has a goal to raise awareness among schoolchildren and the general public about "Eating Healthy," "Eating Safe," and "Eating Sustainably." Eating Safe: Ensuring personal and surrounding cleanliness, hygienic and sanitary practices through the food supply chain, combatting adulteration, lowering toxins and pollutants in food and limiting food hazards in processing and manufacturing operations. Eating Healthy: supporting balanced and diverse meals; removing harmful industrial trans-fats from food; cutting back on salt, sugar, and saturated fat intake; and encouraging widespread fortification of staple foods to address shortages in micronutrients. Eating Sustainable: Encourage the use of seasonal and local foods; keep food waste and loss at bay; save water in food supply chains; use safe, environmentally friendly packaging; and minimize the use of chemicals in food preparation and presentation.

Progress and achievements made under POSHAN Abhiyaan

  • Under POSHAN Abhiyaan, all districts of 36 States/UTs have been covered for roll-out.
  • State, District and Block level convergence meetings are held regularly in most of the States/UTs.
  • Procurement of smart phones has been coordinated through the Government eMarketplace (GeM) Portal. States/UTs are at various stages of procurement of smart phones.
  • A ‘Call Centre’ has been established for interventions and beneficiary feedback.
  • Comprehensive Jan Andolan Guidelines have been prepared in consultation with all partners and released to States/UTs and have been implemented by the States/UTs.

Stories in motion

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